18th January 2025

Search Horsted Keynes Parish Council

Serving the people of Horsted Keynes

Horsted Keynes Recreation Ground

The Recreation Ground in Horsted Keynes was originally conveyed to three trustees on 5th February 1920 for the purpose of creating a recreation ground for the village. By a Charity Commission Order dated 10th August 1937, the land became vested in the Parish Council upon trust for use as a recreation ground – i.e., the Recreation Ground is a Charitable Trust. The Charity Commission Schedule of the 10th August 1937 constitutes the Parish Council as both Custodian Trustee and Managing Trustee. The Parish Council is therefore acting as a Trust Corporation and not as a Local Authority. The Council is required to separate its roles, administration and finances as a local authority and a charity, and keep them at arms-length. The Council while acting as a charity will need to give the impression as well as the actuality that it is fulfilling a different role governed by different rules. The Council as the sole trustee acts as a corporate body and individual councillors are not individual trustees. Individual councillors do not, therefore, have disposable pecuniary interests or other interests to declare in relation to the charity and the Council, of course, does not have a declarable interest.

The land is registered with the Land Registry – Title Plan WSX316029 and Title Register WSX316029 – Ordinance Survey map reference TQ3828SW.

The Recreation Ground was registered (305259) with the Charity Commission on 10th October 1962.

Recreation Ground BYELAWS

Horsted Keynes Memorial Pavilion

Memorial Pavillion

The Memorial Pavilion was built by volunteers in 1951. The stone tablet on the side of the Pavilion reads:

Built by voluntary labour in memory of those of this Parish who gave their lives in the War 1939 - 1945

In 2005 a grant of £350 was given towards refurbishment which ensured the Pavilion could remain in use and continue to fulfil both its practical and commemorative functions. Works included removing the existing sink and cupboard, fitting kitchen units and worktops, tiling changing room floors, boxing in hot water tanks and taking down and fixing the guttering.

Further information:

War Memorials Trust reference WM1263
UK National Inventory of War Memorials: Unknown

Horsted Keynes Play Area

Following an extensive refurbishment, the Play Area was re-opened in October 2018, providing a space for children of all ages to play and socialise.

Each year the Play Area undergoes an inspection by Playsafety Ltd. which is licensed by the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) to trade as RoSPA Play Safety.


The Recreation Ground Allotments are situated off Lewis Road.

Football Club

email: horstedkeynesfootballclub@gmail.com

Horsted Keynes Football Club website.

Tennis Club

Horsted Keynes Tennis Club website.

  • Tennis Club Agreement (PDF, 587 Kb)

    Agreement between the Parish Council and the original Licensees, dated 13th February 2001.

Last updated: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 08:41